What I would like to see for the next XBOX system
1. Blu-Ray Player (I know this should go without saying, I remember when the format war was going on Microsoft said if HD-DVD lost that they would come out with a Blu-Ray add-on. The war ended in early 2008, now it April 2010 and no Blu-Ray add-on.)
2. PS3 style of replacing the hard drive (No one whats to play $130 for 250gb hard drive that they can get for about $45 on newegg that about $85 difference in price)
3. The ability to store media on to the hard drive
4. Continued with the ability to use third party USB flash drive to save data (I like this feature, the ability to store DLC, Demos, and save game on USB drive. The only thing I would like to see is the ability to use a flash drive bigger then 16gb.)
5. Quieter disc player (My 360 sounds like coffee pot making coffee when its reading from the disc player.)
6. Built in wireless card (Get with the times Microsoft every thing now has a build in wireless card in it.)
7. Internet browser (I live at a college dorm that require me to log in before you can use the internet. Which would make a hundred dollar wireless card pointless because I have to use my laptop to stream the internet to be able to connect to xbox live. If it had an internet browser I could log in and play wireless.)
8. Free online play (Most gamers would say that xbox live is the best online system out there, making it free would make it even better. For $50 a year I could buy new video game for that price. Plus the Wii and Playstation 3 have free online play.)
9. No Red Ring or 3/4 Ring of Death (don't rush the 720 out to market before the other systems to make profit, Take your time with it Microsoft!)
Now I know some of these thing you can do with the PlayStation 3 already and Microsoft would be smart to include these features in there next system. Lets just hope that Microsoft doesn't name it XBOX 720!
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